We continue to offer surveys, market assessments, inspections and viewings across all our commercial and residential markets.
The safety, health and well-being of our customers and our employees remains our number one priority. We seek to give assurance of this by strictly adhering to the UK Government’s safer working guidelines and by carrying out risk assessments. Owing to our commitment to keep both our clients and colleagues safe during this period, we also have many self-serve options available to you. These include virtual appointments, 360 virtual reality viewings and enhanced comprehensive photography.
Please also note our stated office hours may vary at this time.
The below link leads to guidance and advice for people buying, selling, renting or letting residential property during the Covid-19 pandemic, and what to expect from our service at this time.
Covid-19 Property Market AdviceWe recognise that where Covid-19 is present, it spreads easily from person to person. We know that the risk of infection increases the closer you are to another person with the virus and the amount of time you spend in close contact.
There is also potential that the virus remains on surfaces and fabrics, so can be transmitted from shared surface contact.
Our employees, members, customers and clients may be at risk when in our offices or while in close proximity during property viewings that we are undertaking.
It is necessary for many of our employees to travel for work and they may therefore be at risk while using public transport services or in enclosed spaces where social distancing isn’t possible.
We recognise there is a similar risk to and from our supply chain who support our own activities, are involved with property transactions, or attend properties on our instruction.
We know that any person with even mild symptoms of Covid-19 should remain away from others for at least 7 days and anyone in their household must also self-isolate.
We acknowledge that some people may be asymptomatic and yet still infectious.
While the number of cases remains high and the R-rate is above the UK government’s target, we consider the risk of Covid-19 spreading to be high were business to be conducted without any additional control measures in place.
We know that Covid-19 spreads easily from person to person and that the resulting symptoms can range from mild to severe. Certain groups of people are recognised as vulnerable where susceptibility is higher.
This risk is expected to reduce gradually, in line with any lowering in the UK’s 5-stage alert level as the number of UK cases drop. It is understood that risk may vary regionally from time to time.
The measures we are taking to manage the risk from Covid-19 are based on the safer working guidelines published by the UK Government and guidance provided by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. We shall review these measures as guidelines and risk levels change, or should we find that they are no longer effective.
Wherever they are able to do so, our employees continue to work from home and we are engaging with our clients and customers remotely.
We have procedures to make sure that individuals who are advised to stay at home under existing government guidance do not physically come to work. This includes individuals who have symptoms of Covid-19, as well as those who live in a household with someone who has symptoms. These procedures include steps to notify others that those employees may have been in close contact with, where it is appropriate to do so.
We have developed protocols for our employees on conducting business both in our offices and at residential and commercial properties. We have provided training and information to our employees about these protocols, which includes social distancing requirements, good hygiene practices and how to follow them.
Using tools developed by our Strategic Consulting business we have revised the layout of our offices and reduced occupancy levels to accommodate 2m social distancing for both employees and visitors.
Cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures have been introduced and resources provided for all of our employees and workplaces.
We will communicate to all of our customers the steps we will take to ensure their safety during property viewings. An example can be found here.
We have emphasised to our supply chain what is expected of them, ensuring that they too will adhere to the safer working guidelines.
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